Directions To Lectures

Public parking at UVA can be found in the Central Grounds (UVA Bookstore) Visitors' Parking Garage at 400 Emmet St. South, Charlottesville, VA 22903

Buildings on the UVA campus can be located on the Central Grounds Webmap

Directions to Minor Hall from UVA Bookstore Parking

Most of our public lectures  at the University of Virginia are be held in the Auditorium of Minor Hall (Room 125). Please see the full details in the event posting to make sure a location change has not been made.
Map to Minor Hall

Walking Directions From the Parking Garage:

  • Proceed to McCormick Road:
    From the top floor of the garage, walk across the brick courtyard and up the outside steps to your right and adjacent to Newcomb Hall. At the top of the stairs, follow the sidewalk to McCormick Road.
    (If you have difficulty accessing steps and prefer to take an elevator, please use this alternate route. From the top floor of the Central Grounds Visitors’ Parking Garage, walk across the brick courtyard and through the white double doors of Newcomb Hall. Walk down the hallway in front of you, and turn right into a smaller hallway. Take the elevator (on your right) to the third floor. Leave Newcomb Hall on the third floor and walk to McCormick Road).
  • Cross to the other side of McCormick Road and follow it to the right. Walk down McCormick (follow the sidewalk) and just past the bus stop, turn left to go down a set of stairs. Minor Hall will be just ahead on the right.
  • Lecture will be held in the Auditorium of Minor Hall (Room 125)
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