Friday, March 1, 2019 (7:00pm)
UVA Minor Hall / Free Admission
Join us for this inspiring documentary on Jean Vanier and the L'Arche communites he helped create for those with intellectual disabilities.
In 1964, after a distinguished military career, a Ph.D. in philosophy from L’Institute Catholique de Paris, and a successful academic career, Vanier discerned the vocation he was called to dedicate the rest of his life to. In that year, at the edge of a forest outside of Paris, Vanier formed the first L'Arche house with several others who until then had been hidden away in a large state institution for persons with intellectual disabilities. Moved initially by compassion and a vague sense he could help, Vanier soon realized that supporting and living in community with these individuals meant not only daily sacrifice, but also that he was as much the one receiving aid and comfort as he was the one whose care was depended upon by others. 
Today, there are 152 L'Arche communities in 37 countries and 1450 complementary Faith and Light communities in 83 countries. 
An open discussion will follow the film. All are welcomed to attend this UVA community screening, so invite a friend or come prepared to meet someone new. 

Summer in the Forest (2018)

Cosponsored with UVA Catholic Hoos, and the UVA Disability Studies Initiative. 

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