“Whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is gracious, if there is any excellence, if there is anything worthy of praise, think on these things” (St. Paul to the Philippians 4:8).
The St. Anselm Institute for Catholic Thought is a voluntary organization of Catholic faculty and others dedicated to promoting the vast, life-affirming riches of the Catholic intellectual tradition at the University of Virginia and beyond. Founded in 2000, the Institute supports several activities, including a public lecture series, various reading and discussion groups including a Doctors of the Church lunch seminar series, Catholic arts programs, faculty-student dinners and local field trips, Lenten retreats, and our annual appeal to support Catholic education in Saltadère, Haiti.

Registration now open for two Spring 2022 Minicourses: they are free, non-credit, and faculty-led seminars for all interested UVA students regardless of your area of study. No paper, quizzes or exams, but a great opportunity to meet various faculty and other students for a meal and discussions that absolutely will reveal a "something more" Catholic way of thinking about your time and studies at UVA. 

Prior experience not expected, but space is limited. Sign-up using the forms below or contact Dr. Jocelyn Moore, Director of Programs, at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. for more information

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Register here for Faith, Reason & the Meaningful Life (4 Thursdays), 12:30-1:30PM: 2/10 (Clark 156), 2/17 (TBA), 2/24 (Clark 156) and 3/17 (TBA)
View the Course: We all seek meaningful work and a successful career, but how do these goals satisfy our deepest desires for the meaning of our existence? Whether on an Arts, Sciences, or pre-professional track, this minicourse offers students and faculty an opportunity to consider how Faith and Reason work together to reveal great truths and wondrous mysteries about God, the world, others, and even ourselves.
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Register here for Beauty & the Catholic Imagination (5 Fridays), Minor Hall Auditorium, 10-11AM: 2/11, 2/18, 2/25, 3/18, & 3/25
View the Course: Regardless of our life experience and area of study, Beauty is an experience we all seem to recognize. Yet what is it? Even seasoned academics stumble on this question. In our 5 hour-long discussions students and faculty will explore how the Catholic faith perspective offers a time-tested, structured way "to see more," including Beauty’s unexpectedly urgent and transforming call to each one of us.  
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